Monday, February 9, 2015

The "Why?"

Here's the deal - I love to create. I've always loved to create. There is just something about the feeling of accomplishment you get from making something with your own two hands that cannot be matched. And I'm constantly amazed by the fact that if you have an interest to learn how to do/make/fix something, you can. It's as simple as that. 

There are so many resources at the tips of your fingers, it's unbelievable! I cannot tell you how many times I've wanted to learn how to do something and have turned to the Internet for some guidance. The fact the people take the time to post detailed tutorials online in order to help others (like myself) do/make/fix something is truly amazing. 

Even more amazing, is that these tutorials often spark further creativity - a new way of looking at/thinking about/doing something. So, instead of just using these resources, I thought it would be nice to contribute a little something of my own. 

After all, I believe creativity sparks creativity.

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