Thursday, April 9, 2015

DIY Dino-mite Ring Holder

This tutorial is for all you dinosaur lovers out there, and it's just as quick as it is cute & quirky. Insert the 2 plastic toy dinosaurs I mentioned in a previous post, mix in a little spray paint and decorations of your choosing, and you've got your very own one-of-a-kind dino-mite ring holder :)
Here's how I made mine:


  • Plastic toy dinosaur(s)
    • I purchased mine from the Dollar Tree because they can be quite pricey at typical craft stores
  • Spray Paint
    • I had gold on hand, but you could use any color you prefer
  • (optional) Decorations of your choice (beads, glitter, etc.)
Step 1: Take your plastic dinosaurs into a well-ventilated area and spray paint them & then let them dry.

Step 2: Leave them as they are, or get creative with it and decorate them! (I haven't decided how I want to decorate mine yet, so for now I will leave them as they are - They're pretty either way!)

Step 3: Adorn with rings & enjoy :)


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

DIY Gemstone Necklace

Don't ask me why, but for some reason I've been really obsessed with anything gemstone-related lately. For instance, I've been itching for some moonstone jewelry & happened to come across a BEAUTIFUL moonstone ring at TJ Maxx a few weeks ago and I thought it was fate - until I realized they only had one, and that it was about two sizes to small for my chubby fingers. go-figure (*eyeroll*)! 

So, I did what any sensible (crazy) person would do, and I turned to Etsy in search of gemstones with plans to make my own jewelry (that would actually fit ;)!). I had a gift card left over from Christmas, and ended up purchasing a few different gemstone connectors (moonstone, labradorite, and lemon topaz) from the seller Jewelersparadise:

Since I was still a little butt-hurt over the whole ring-of-my-dreams-not-fitting debacle, I decided to make a moonstone necklace to boost my spirits :) 
Here's how I did it:

  • Gold jewelry chain 
    • I purchased mine from Joann's & used a coupon
  • 4 gold jump rings (3 small and one medium-sized)
  • 1 gold lobster clasp closure
    • I think mine came in the package with my chain
  • Gemstone connector
  • (3-In-1) Jewelry Pliers
    • I got mine from Walmart
Step 1: Open one of the small jump rings and use it to attach the gemstone connector to the chain & then close it, like this:


Step 2: Using another small jump ring, Repeat step 1 to attach the the other side of the gemstone connector & chain together. By now it should look like this:

Step 3: Place the "center" of your chain between the cutting part of your 3-in-1 jewelry pliers & squeeze down to cut the chain into two, like this:

Step 4: Open your last small jump ring & use it to attach your lobster clap to one side of the chain & then close it, like this:

Then attach your medium-sized jump ring to the other half of the chain:

And that's a wrap, you're done! :)


Thursday, April 2, 2015

DIY Glitter Coasters

Here's the deal - I'm a lover of crafting, but, let's be honest: as much fun as it is to experiment and make things - purchasing supplies at your local craft store can add up pretty quickly and become quite expensive (even with coupons)! This is where my love for the Dollar Tree began. It's no secret that the dollar tree he is holy grail of crafting, specifically, cheap crafting!

Today I happened to visit a Dollar Tree, and not only did I find a few useful items I actually needed (including a USB car charger for my iPhone 6!), I also found some items that inspired me to create, namely: two plastic toy dinosaurs, and a pack of plastic coasters.

Confused yet? Well, we'll talk more about the plastic dinosaurs later, but for now - the coasters! Today I'm going to show you how I took these drab looking cork and plastic coasters, and made them glittery and fun -all for about $4!
take a look: 

Here's how I did it:
  • Coasters 
  • Glitter of your choice
  • Mod Podge
  • A foam brush
    • I already had the Mod Podge and foam brush and purchased the coasters and glitter from the Dollar Tree, however, Dollar Tree had ALL of these items when I was there (including mini bottles of mod podge!)
*The instructions only show one of the coasters being made, but I would recommend making them all at once (just remember to change up the glitter if you want more than one color!) to save time.

Step 1: Using your foam brush, coat the cork with a thin layer of mod podge, being careful not to get it on the plastic edges, like this:

    • If you do happen to accidentally get some mod podge on the plastic edge (like I did - oops :)) just take a q-tip and wipe it off.
Step 2: Sprinkle glitter of your choice onto the mod podge, like zis:

Until the podge' is completely covered, like so:

Step 3: Shake off any excess glitter. Pictured is my feeble & ultimately failed attempt to get it back into the container...

Step 4: At this point, it would be wise to let the first layer of mod podge/glitter dry - but who has the patience for that?! 
If you're impatient like me, continue full steam ahead! Apply a second thin coat of the podge' over the glitter (just make sure to use a gentle hand, so you don't completely destroy the first glitter podge' layer) By now, it should look like this:
    • As you can see, the q-tips once again did a fine job cleaning up my mess :)
Step 5: Sprinkle another layer of the glitter onto the mod podge
Then apply one more layer of the mod podge to "seal it" , and then muster up all of your patience and WAIT. 
and continue to WAIT. because these suckers take about 24 hours to dry completely.

But the wait is worth it, because once they're dry you'll end up with these glitzy beauties:

enjoy. :)
