Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Turning Over A New "Wreath"

A while back, my sister and I made this adorable wreath for my grandma to hang on the door to her apartment:

The best part about this wreath (other than it being super cute ;)) is the fact that it is completely customizable! What I mean is that none of the items on the wreath are permanently attached, so they can easily be taken off and replaced with other things as we see fit. So, Instead of owning multiple wreaths for different seasons, etc. we can easily just customize this one wreath however she wants! And, *BONUS* it cost us less to make this than it would cost to buy one in a store!

I'll be honest, I was never a fan of store-bought wreaths to begin with (they are typically overpriced, and frankly not very cute - in my opinion). However, after seeing how well our homemade one turned out, I've started to change my mind about wreaths. It's scary to admit, but I think I'm actually starting to like them! And ever since Jim (my fiancee') and I bought a house last summer, I've been wanting to make one for our front door. 

Initially, the plan was to make one similar to the one we made my grandma. However, after thinking about it I decided to go a different route (she lives in an assisted living facility where she knows many of the staff/residents, so the pictures on her wreath are cute and make sense for where she lives. If I hung a similar wreath on the front door of my house, on the other hand, I think it would just be weird...all I can think is,"Hey criminals, this is who you'd be robbing if you broke into this house" kind of thoughts. I know, I'm weird!)

Anyway, after spending way too much time on Pinterest (per usual!) and looking at tons of pictures of wreaths for ideas, I came across one, in particular, that caught my eye - it was made of burlap (like the one we made my grandma) and had three big sunflowers on it. It was love at first sight. 

Stay tuned for a tutorial on how I made this customizable version of it ((for about $15!!))


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