Tuesday, March 31, 2015

DIY Gypsy-Esque Statement Ring

So, I found myself browsing the jewelry section at Joann's the other day (surprise, surprise...) but only because they were offering a coupon over the weekend that was just too good to pass up (60% off a single regularly priced item!) and came across this beautiful set of beads I just had to have:

                can you believe these are the SAME beads, how pretty is that?!

I already made a tutorial on how to make DIY Stud Earrings out of beads, but did you know you can also easily make rings using the same method?! I thought that the middle bead was the perfect size/shape to make a beautiful bohemian, gypsy-esque statement ring - so that's exactly what I did!

Here's how I did it:


  • E6000 glue
  • A bead of your choice (must have a flat back)
  •  An adjustable ring blank
    • * all items can be found at most craft stores: Joann, Michaels, Hobby Lobby, etc.
Step 1: Put a small dab of glue on the top of the ring blank, like this:

Step 2: Press the ring post firmly against the center of the back of your bead 
(I used a little too much glue and it seeped out the sides a little, so I used a q-tip to gently wipe away any excess.) 

If you have some extra beads that happen to match (like I did), feel free to make yourself a matching pair of earrings while you're at it!

Step 3: Now, just let these beauties dry for about 24 hours....

And then show them off! :)

P.S. - Stay tuned to find out how I made the glitter coasters shown in the last photo! ;)


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